Interested in selling Heritage Bee Co. in your store?
Our wholesale partners help us spread the word about our premium gourmet honeys. Handcrafted in-house with 100% pure Ontario wildflower honey! We offer two ways that you can become part of the Heritage Bee Co. Wholesale Community.

Partner with us by creating an account on Faire
We've partnered with Faire to offer online wholesale ordering and Net 60 terms! Other perks include 50% off your first order (up to US$150 max discount) PLUS a year of free shipping with Heritage Bee Co. Sign up to place an order today.

Bulk | Corporate Gift Program
Not a Retailer? If you are not a retailer or re-seller, but interested in bulk purchasing our gourmet honeys and gift sets for your business or special event, we offer special pricing in bulk when ordering a min of 36 jars OR 18 gift sets. Free Shipping included with this program.